Exhibition in Kořenov in 1980 - end of
the steam operation on ČSD
404.003, 419.019, M131.1389, M131.1 + 2x Calm
From archives ...
404.002, 404.003, 403.504, T426.001, T426.003, T426.004, 715.001

743.008, 743.010
"Dráha" magazine issue 5/97
Extraordinary course of
the motor car 830.152 Harrachov - Szklarska Poreba. The rest of the trolley still
can be seen.
Photo Radko Friml, june 1994 |
Motor car 820 (M240.0)
on the bridge over the Jizera river on the way from Kořenov to Harrachov
Photo Jaromír Bittner |
historical postcards - see also
"Lokomotivy řady 404.0" by ing. Radko Friml
The arrival of the 1st train to Grünthal (now
Kořenov): 30.6.1902 |
Kořenov railway station - postcard from the year 1904 |
Grüntal (Kořenov today) in 1919. |
In spring 1994 the steamer 464.008 came to this rails,
pushed by cog diesel T426.001. It was the promotional journey organized by
Pus company in collaboration with Spolecnost zeleznicni (The railway
society) from Jaromer.
I discovered this photo in some calendar from 1997 or 1996. |
Like in 1983, after two years transport the engines T426.0 trains for visitors of
championship in Harrachov. On the photo: the lokomotion T426.002 pushing the passenger
train from Dolní Polubný to Kořenov.
Photo J.Bittner
Železnice 1992/2 |