I took these photos at my ski-journey to polish Jakuszyce on
January 8th 2005. Why Jakuszyce? In the new year 2005 I planned to go
on ski to Jizera mounains as soon as possible, but during the weekend on January
8-9th took the place the action "Jizera Fifty". In Jakuszyce
was the traffic normal.
After the circle, I have made before noon on Jakuszyce
territory, I took the direction towards Harrachov. The ski-route was made on the
not used part of the railway Kořenov - Szklarska Poreba. The route was ideal
for the running ski.
I ended the trip at the former Novy Svet station: the
ski-route abandoned the railway and to follow the rails seemed to be too
difficult. So I preferred to go for one beer in Desna.
From the former railway open the wonderful
views: Here the view onto slopes in Harrachov. It seems the access to
railway was too difficult for Red Army, when liquidated the
electric traffic equipment, so enugh of the masts remained on their place. |
The view onto the railway - you can have it
like the DMU's driver at the extraordinary ride or lika a turist only.
Now in winter, keep the stocks and forward! |
One could see nothing special on this view to
Novy svet pass, except the beuautiful colors of the january sunset. |