The fate of M240 III.
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O úroveň výše (up) The fate of M240 II. The fate of M240 III.

----- Original Message -----
From: Jarda Wagner
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 6:48 PM
Subject: vzpomínka na M 240.021 a nějaké rakve na LJTD

Hallo everybody,

I set myself the health walk from home to somwhere near rails today. Meanwhile, I took some photos of trams and trains, I have gone from Vratislavice to Proseč. This was only a second I missed the parallel ride of the T3 tram and the "coffin" DMU. I have the "back-shot" only. At the end, I decided to visit Kořenov, to see, how is the poor "Singer" waiting her final end.

Some snow fall down there, in Kořenov. Despite this, the view on the "Singer" is very sad. The transport on cog railway is arranged by "electronic" locomotive with one trailer - the Bix was replaced by 010 today. Somebody got the idea, to use a bit reko car - number 010 603 I guess. ... Aj jaj jaj, připomíná mi to toho vlka, co se nažral a koza zůstala celá. Nicméně ten interiér je povedený, kapacita zůstala stejná a hlavně nesedí se na prkně, ale sesle jsou už pěkně měkké, tak se na tom sedí vcelku pohodlně. I to pěkně vypadá. Ještě stahovací okna a bylo by po starostech. Náklady na takovou rekonstrukcí jsou oproti zmetkům 814 minimální, ne? Na to žádná regionoží bublina ani nedosáhne...

Not to babble too much, I add some photos from last 3 years, when we have frequently the "Singer" used, photographed... and not only on Kořenov railway... (and THE number of Svijany and Novosad beer liquidated! :-) )

Let her mercy in railway heaven...

Jarda W.